Sunday, February 27, 2011

Book Review: Lemon Tart

Lemon Tart is a sweet little mystery for fans of the "cozy" sub-genre of mysteries.  Widowed Sadie Hoffmiller is a baking, cooking, and housekeeping whiz who takes a young, single mom under her wing.  Sadie is also a bit of a neighborhood busybody, a like-able one, but a busybody none-the-less.  When the young mother is found dead & her toddler son missing,  Sadie can't help but run into clues.  Along the way, Sadie learns more about her fiancée, her family, and the neighborhood cops than she wants to know.

In the tradition of good "cozies", this story is a light read.  There's a bit of romance, some good cooking (along with recipes), and some mild tension.  While published by Deseret Book, there is no mention of religion, faith or God.  Lemon Tart should appeal to any "cozy" fan, not just LDS readers.

I appreciate that there is no profanity, no sex scenes, and no gore.  An extra-marital affair plays an important role in the plot, but the characters express regret and admit it was a mistake.  Sadie isn't perfect.  She makes mistakes, but also tries to make amends.  This is a book that even a conservative Mom can safely share with her teen-aged daughter without worry.

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